ORG Bruins Global 2016 Kicks Off in Beijing

The Bruins’ first-ever official visit to China kicked off in Beijing on July 13, with current Bruins David Pastrbak and Matt Beleskey joining Bruins alumni Andrew Raycraft and Bob Sweeney, and members of the Boston Bruins Youth Hockey Development Team for “Bruins Global: China 2016.”

The crew will be in China from July 13-July 23, hosting several youth hockey clinics in Beijing and Shanghai for more than 150 Chinese youth hockey players. The clinics will consist of both on and off-ice training.

The trip came about through a partnership with Ocean 24 SE client: O.R.G. Packaging to help grow the sport of hockey in China, while also strengthening the connection between the Bruins and the local Chinese community in New England and educating North American residents about the growth of hockey in China.

O.R.G. Packaging Chairman Zhou Yunjie grew up playing hockey in Beijing and is passionate about working with the Bruins to cultivate the sport in China.

The trip is unique on a number of different levels, mainly because the players have never been that far overseas, and also because of the cultural experiences the group will encounter. There is something about hockey, though, that transcends. The Black & Gold work to grow hockey around New England, and now that approach is being taken abroad.

“I never even thought about going to China, and because I always thought it was so far,” smiled David Pastrnak.

“And it was a nine hour flight [from the Czech Republic], so I don’t know what I was thinking,” he laughed. “But it’s cool. Obviously we are here on the second day, so we didn’t get much to see and hopefully we’re going to see some good stuff and bring some memories home.”

“Bruins Global” began with a ceremony and press conference announcing the partnership with O.R.G. Packaging. But it wasn’t your typical Claude Julien post-game press conference.

The event was held at the “Bird’s Nest,” the main stadium built for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. The city will also host the Winter Olympics in 2022.

The red carpet was rolled out for the Bruins and local leaders.

There was an emcee and round-table to discuss growing the sport of hockey in China with Chinese officials, state media and industry insiders, with hundreds in attendance. The event featured Bruins highlight videos, a Q&A on-stage with Pastrnak (who is now featured on cans of milk in China — more on that later), and even a local children’s choir singing a beautiful rendition of Josh Groban’s “Raise Me Up.”

“It’s been great. It shows how passionate they are about this partnership,” Beleseky said of the big-time media event.

“They put on a great ceremony here — and we saw that David Pastrnak has his own beverage here now too,” he laughed. “So it’s been pretty exciting so far.”

As part of the partnership with O.R.G. Packaging, the Bruins hosted 24 Chinese youth hockey players from the Beijing Hockey Association back in February, with the kids participating in clinics and seeing their first pro hockey game. The group also competed against local New England tough teams. More players will be brought over to the U.S. each year to take part in the experience.

“I think we share similar visions with Mr. Zhou, in developing hockey and its core principles,” Glen Thornborough, the Bruins Chief Revenue Officer, said during the media event. “We start at the grassroots and really work our way up with the children.”

“We also are trying to grow the game back at home as well. The struggles that you face here in China, I think there are 20,000 in Beijing, we have 50,000 in Massachusetts. Obviously we’re a little bit more organized and structured, but every day, you’re trying to grow the game of hockey as well.”

After the partnership ceremony, the Bruins’ crew toured the Summer Palace in Beijing. Other highlights of the Bruins’ first-ever visit to China will include sightseeing at The Forbidden City, Prince Gong’s Mansion, Great Wall of China, The Bund, Huanpu River and Canal Town. 

“I’m just excited,” said Beleskey. “I think to see hockey players over here in China and a game that’s just kind of starting to kick off here — it’s going to be exciting to teach some kids and help them learn.”

With only day one in the books, there is sure to be much more to share. Be sure to stay tuned on, the Bruins Mobile App, and across our social channels for the next week and a half, as we bring you the latest from “Bruins Global: China 2016.”

7月13日,奥瑞金·波士顿棕熊战略合作暨NHL未来之星 David Pastrnak亚洲区经纪独家代理签约仪式新闻发布会在鸟巢金色大厅隆重举行。包括波士顿棕熊队的管理者和球员代表、冰球行业从业者、产业投资者及全国多家知名媒体在内的200余位嘉宾齐聚一堂,共襄盛会,见证奥瑞金在冰雪项目领域全新战略布局的盛大启航,也正式拉开了NHL联盟六冠豪门波士顿棕熊队的首次访华之旅!





棕熊队此次中国行的阵容可谓星光熠熠,不仅有被誉为NHL未来之星的队中现役球星David Pastrňák以及司职左边锋的现役球星Matthew Beleskey,还有已经退役的前棕熊队球员Andrew Raycroft和Bob Sweeney。值得关注的是,奥瑞金与David Pastrňák签约,成为其亚洲区经纪独家代理,从而进一步推动国内青少年冰球运动的发展。

奥瑞金公司特意制作了以David Pastrnak为罐身形像的限量版典藏罐,发布会现场奥瑞金董事长周云杰先生与David Pastrnak一同揭开了奥瑞金-David Pastrnak限量版典藏罐的神秘面纱。

作为一家以品牌策划、包装设计与制造、灌装服务、信息化辅助营销为核心的综合包装整体解决方案提供商,)Ocean 24 SE 客户奥瑞金公司其实早在去年就开始通过直投或与专业投资机构合作方式介入体育文化产业。具有标志性的事件就是在2015年8月,奥瑞金与平安证券联手设立了5亿元人民币的体育文化产业基金,全方位、战略性地介入体育产业。



O.R.G. Bruins Global: China 2016

The Boston Bruins, in partnership with Ocean 24 Sports & Entertainment and  O.R.G. Packaging, will make the team's first-ever official visit to China when they tour Beijing and Shanghai during "Bruins Global: China 2016" from July 11-23. Current Bruins players Matt Beleskey and David Pastrnak along with Bruins Alumni Andrew Raycroft, Bob Sweeney and members of the Boston Bruins Youth Hockey Development Team will host several youth hockey clinics in Beijing and Shanghai. The clinics will consist of on and off-ice training for over 150 Chinese youth hockey players. O.R.G. will host a Bruins partnership signing ceremony in Beijing, as well as a round table media event to discuss growing the sport of hockey in China with Chinese officials, state media and industry insiders. Some other highlights of the Bruins first-ever visit to China will include sightseeing at The Forbidden City, Prince Gong’s Mansion, Summer Palace, Great Wall of China, The Bund, Huanpu River and Canal Town.


“The Boston Bruins have always been passionate about growing the game and sharing our team’s rich history and tradition with fans all over the world,” said Boston Bruins CEO Charlie Jacobs. “With the appetite for hockey rising on the global scale, we are thrilled to be partners with O.R.G Packaging and are excited for the opportunity to work together with Mr. Zhou’s team to cultivate the sport in China.”


O.R.G. Packaging Chairman Zhou Yunjie added, "O.R.G. Packaging and the Boston Bruins are building a bridge between Chinese and American hockey. We are excited and honored to build on this partnership, and eagerly look forward to doing more in the near future to grow the sport of hockey in China."


Ocean 24 Sports & Entertainment’s client O.R.G. Packaging is the first Chinese company to have a partnership with the Boston Bruins and the National Hockey League (NHL). The goal of the partnership is to grow the sport of hockey in China, strengthen the connection between the Bruins and the local Chinese community in New England, as well as educate North American residents about the growth of hockey in China.


In February 2016, the Bruins hosted 22 Chinese youth hockey players from the China. The youth hockey players participated in clinics with the Bruins Youth Hockey Development team and Bruins Alumni and got to experience the city of Boston. The group also had the opportunity to compete in 10 games against local New England youth hockey teams. The Bruins will host a different group of Chinese youth hockey players in Boston each year, as part of their five-year contract with O.R.G. Packaging.

Ocean 24 SE and client ORG Packaging met with Monumental Sports to Discuss Potential Partnership Opportunities

Ocean 24 Sports & Entertainment and its client ORG Packaging met with Mr. Ted Leonsis, founder, majority owner, Chairman and CEO and several other senior executives of Monumental Sport & Entertainment, to discuss potential praetorship opportunities.

Monumental Sports & Entertainment owns the NHL's Washington Capitals, the NBA's Washington Wizards, the WNBA's Mystics and Verizon Center in Washington DC. 

Ocean 24 SE Client O.R.G. Announce Expanded Partnership with Boston Bruins; Hosted First Chinese Culture Themed Game Night at TD Garden

Ocean 24 SE’s client O.R.G. Packaging announced they have expanded their partnership with the Boston Bruins. Ocean 24 SE and O.R.G. joined the Bruins and hosted the first Chinese culture themed game night on Tuesday, February 2 during their game against the Toronto Maple Leafs at TD Garden. 

O.R.G. is the first ever Chinese partner of the Boston Bruins and the National Hockey League. O.R.G. Packaging Chairman Zhou Yunjie, Bruins President, NHL Hall of Famer Cam Neely, Bruins and TD Garden Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing Glen Thornborough and Ocean 24 SE President attended the press conference at TD Garden on February 2 before the game started. The new expanded partnership is highlighted by a summer visit to China with current Bruins players, executives and front office staff.

“Finding innovative ways to grow the game of hockey is always a priority of the Bruins organization,” said Neely. “The synergy between the Bruins and O.R.G. Packaging will positively impact the growth of the game in the local Chinese community while showcasing the passion for hockey that exists in Asia.”

"O.R.G. Packaging is very excited about becoming the first ever Chinese partner of the Boston Bruins and the NHL,” said O.R.G. Packaging Chairman Zhou Yunjie. “We will serve as a bridge between China and the US, to better promote cultural and sports exchanges through ice hockey.”

Ocean 24 SE’s client O.R.G. Packaging will work with the Bruins in numerous ways to help grow the sport of hockey in China as well as educate North American residents about the growth of hockey in China. This summer, the Bruins and O.R.G. Packaging expect to send current Bruins players, executives and front office staff to China to host youth hockey camps, clinics and workshops to help grow the game of hockey.

As part of the partnership the Bruins hosted a 10 day official clinic with 22 Chinese youth hockey players sent by O.R.G. and Ocean 24 SE from China. Over the 10 days the youth hockey players have participated in clinics with the Bruins Youth Hockey Development team and Bruins Alumni Andrew Raycroft and Rick Middleton. The Chinese players participated in 10 games against local New England youth hockey teams. The group also participated in numerous activities during O.R.G. Bruins Chinese Culture Game Night including the Future Bruins, Three Minutes of Fame, high fiving Bruins players before they take the ice and meeting with Bruins Alumni and current Bruins players.

Massachusetts State Representatives, Boston city officials as well as major Chinese and American media also attended the event and sent congratulatory letters to Ocean 24 SE and O.R.G.


2016年2月2日,在波士顿历史悠久的体育殿堂TD Garden球场,由美国海洋贰拾肆体育娱乐(Ocean 24 Sports & Entertainment)客户奥瑞金包装股份有限公司主办的“奥瑞金中华之夜”隆重开幕。奥瑞金与Ocean 24 SE合作,首次将中华文化和2022年冬奥会带到NHL(国家冰球联盟)赛场,让更多人感受底蕴深厚的中华文化和中国体育事业的蓬勃发展。

当晚在波士顿棕熊队与加拿大枫叶队比赛入场处,迎接观众的是具有中国文化气息的京剧人物。体育场内也设有剪窗花、写春联等展示中华文化的展台,还有关于2022年北京冬奥会的展板。现场的猴年形象广告版,鲜艳的中国元素与欢庆的气氛将整个球场渲染成了中国年味十足的红色海洋。当天下午4时,奥瑞金与棕熊队的签约仪式拉开了中国企业与北美冰球文化首次合作的序幕。当晚棕熊队和加拿大枫叶队的比赛结束后,棕熊队传奇球星Cam Neely特意来到现场,鼓励来到现场的20多位中国青少年冰球选手坚持冰球梦。

比赛开始前,Ocean 24 SE和客户奥瑞金公司收到了来自波士顿市长以及马萨诸塞州议会的贺信。 市长称赞Ocean24此次活动既向美国球迷和波士顿的市民传播了中华文化,也帮助当地华人更多的参与到美国体育文化里。

Ocean 24 SE能够见证中国公司与美国冰球联盟的球队的首次合作并参与其中感到骄傲。 Ocean 24 SE负责人表示能够成为连接中美冰球体育文化的桥梁是一名体育人的骄傲。Ocean 24 体育娱乐将会更加热情的致力于促进中美体育运动交流。

Ocean 24 SE Presents the First Ever Chinese Partner in the NHL History

Ocean 24 SE proudly presents the first ever Chinese partner in the NHL history: Chinese company ORG Packaging has reached a long term partnership deal with the Boston Bruins in the National Hockey League and became the first ever Chinese partner in the league's history.  As one of the world's biggest and leading metal packaging companies, ORG becomes the Exclusive Official Chinese Partner of the Bruins and both parties will together explore efforts  to better promote the Boston Bruins, ORG’s Brands and ice hockey in China through various outreach programs, including:  camps and clinics with the Bruins in the US, Bruins certified youth hockey instructors traveling to China to conduct camps and clinics for Chinese youth, Bruins legends and/or executives traveling to China to help promote ice hockey as well as exhibition games etc.

With the 2022 Winter Olympics to be hosted in Beijing, China, both the Bruins and ORG believe this partnership will benefit both organizations as well as ice hockey as a sport in one of the world's largest sports markets in the long run.